April 2016 archive

Virtualmin LetsEncrypt module on CentOS 5 is broken- Quick, easy fix!

I have a customer who runs Virtualmin on CentOS 5. We’re working on getting him a newer server, but in the mean time we have to make do with what we have. Virtualmin supports LetsEncrypt, but the problem is that there is a syntax error when trying to request a certificate. The reason for this …

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Windows 10 has No Sound? Easy fix!

Windows 10 has no sound?

“Windows 10 has no sound- Help!” These were the words of my customer who had recently upgraded to Windows 10 and then for some reason had done a refresh (Windows 10’s in-place reinstall), and subsequently had no sound on their laptop. Normally if Windows 10 has no sound I’d look into the Device Manager and …

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